Meet the Team: Brendan Welch

Brendan Welch

Senior Strategist & Pennsylvania Director

Where are you based?

Philadelphia, PA

Can you tell us a little about your background and what inspired you to work in politics?

My grandpa was a union railroad worker who was a passionate supporter of JFK — the first Catholic president. He passed his strong Democratic values on to my mom, and then to me.

I actually moved to Los Angeles to start a career in Hollywood after finishing college, but quickly realized that wasn't a good fit for me. I saw politics was a perfect place for me to use my love of writing and communication to make a difference. I was just getting my career on Capitol Hill off the ground when Donald Trump won the 2016 election, which hit like a truck and motivated me to switch from government to campaign work.

Since then, I haven’t looked back!

What does a typical day look like for you?

It usually starts with a morning workout. After that, it's different every day -- it will be some combination of meetings with clients and their campaign teams, traveling to meet folks who are considering a run for office, or working alongside our design team to write and conceptualize mailers. The best part about this job is the combination of creativity and strategic thinking. You're always on your toes!

What are some of your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I’m a life-long, die-hard fan of the Kansas City Chiefs - so yes, I am currently living a charmed life, but I still remember the darker days before Mahomes. I’m also a regular at 76ers and Phillies games here in my adopted hometown. I'm a recent convert to K-Pop music and now go to concerts every year. Listen to Red Velvet!

Can you share a memorable project, unexpected challenge, or proud achievement you've had in your career?

Serving as the Communications Director for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party during the 2020 cycle was the adventure of a lifetime. I was able to lead a team of creative, hardworking colleagues to drive the negative message against President Trump across the state.

Weathering a drawn-out primary, a pandemic, and a sea of disinformation and frivolous lawsuits from the Trump campaign was challenging and thrilling - and celebrating President Biden's victory on the streets of Philadelphia is something I'll never forget.

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in politics? Or, what is the best piece of advice you’ve received?

Leaving the DC bubble is the best thing I ever did. When you go from being one of thousands of political staffers and operatives in DC to one of dozens in your state or community, you realize how much more gratifying and impactful your work is at the state and local level. Every state, city, and town needs talented people doing the work on the ground!

What movie never fails to make you cry?

Mad Max: Fury Road. No, I'm not joking.